Problem with Ring 5


Dalayan Beginner
EDIT - My apologies. I just saw the sticky regarding how to reset my flag. I'll do that now. Sorry for the unneeded post.


The other day I decided to finish up the Newport Ring 5 Quest. I'm honestly not sure what went wrong, but I can tell you what I think happened. On the 8th worshiper pull we got another worshiper add so I went ahead and cleansed both of them and I guess that's where I messed up because we killed both enraged priests before I hailed the 8th cleansed one. So after both enraged priests were down I hailed the 8th but Althok never spawned. I was hoping it was a fluke so we tried again on a solo priest but my vial would not cleanse him. I could cast it, it just would not cleanse any of the priests.

I hope that made sense. I think I just screwed up by cleansing both of them and not hailing the 8th before killing the extra one. Anyway I can get this fixed or reset so I can finish up my quest?

Many thanks!
Sorry for thread rez but I can't find this sticky you're mentioning, if I could reset my flag it might help cause I can't cleanse anything right now.
Thank you

EDIT : OMG sorry it was in the NP IV sticky :X
This is Zaphlin, but I was able to get my original name to work again.

Anyways, I tried to reset my flags a week or so ago but just found the time last night to retry the quest. Unfortunately, my Ring 5 is still bugged. I am still unable to cleanse them. Any way this can be fixed for me? Much appreciated! :)
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