Problem with Reconciliator AFTER Amulet of Newport


Dalayan Beginner
Hope this is not working as intended, because it really makes no sense.

I was invited to a raid, where we were buffing in South Newport near the Arena. I accidentally put up lich form, causing the Guards to attack, while getting buffed as well, which generated Aggro throughout the raid.. I switched to my paladin to try to rectify the situation, killing a couple guards, sending my paladin to threateningly in the process. Since I had done the Amulet of Newport quest before, I was ally to the citizens. I checked my faction with them after killing the guards, and was still ally. I went to Centaur Hills, got the quest from the reconciliator, and went and picked my crops. I finished the crops, went back to the reconciliator to complete the quest, and she reset BOTH factions to Indifferent, causing my Amulet of Newport to poof....

It seems as tho there would be a check in place.. why would I get a negative faction to citizens, but then really why would my neck gate item poof???
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So you are saying that you were ally to Newport citizens and that after doing a Newport quest your citizen faction was LOWERED??? I can understand if you lost the neck gate from killing guards but to lose faction by doing a quest designed to raise it???

What did the GMs say? Surely they will fix it?
yep, reconcilliator dropped Citizens faction from Ally to Indifferent. AFAIK, Amulet of Newport is only based on the Citizens faction as well. I just did the Reconcilliator again since I didnt wanna get attacked every single time I used the neck to gate :(
yep, reconcilliator dropped Citizens faction from Ally to Indifferent. AFAIK, Amulet of Newport is only based on the Citizens faction as well. I just did the Reconcilliator again since I didnt wanna get attacked every single time I used the neck to gate :(

This is well known. It resets both factions, always has. Tbh you just shouldn't have killed guards, it's not like the zoneout is far.
sigh, no matter. I'm closer to Athica faction now that I am to Newport, so not too concerned with getting the required faction again.
Wouldn't it be nice to have the quest mention this or something? This isn't even a game mechanics issue so much as a game lore / story issue. Look at it this way... you are in good with the citizens of a city. You help bring them food and now they could care less about you. Does that make sense?
The whole KOS while illusioned thing is stupid anyway. It was better back before it got changed to that. It makes ZERO sense. "Oh noes there's a skeleton let's kill him! Oh wait...that particular skeleton is a pet, so he's okay." are wolf, bear, skeleton, scaled wolf, zombie, mummy, etc okay as pets in the city, but if it's a player in illusion they get attacked? It's really dumb.

As if nobody in the city is aware that there are people who can do these things.

Yet iksar who are the race that were known to be in league with Kaezul attempting to destroy all of the cities populated with the intelligent races aren't KOS in any city to start? Oooookay.
The whole KOS while illusioned thing is stupid anyway. It was better back before it got changed to that. It makes ZERO sense. "Oh noes there's a skeleton let's kill him! Oh wait...that particular skeleton is a pet, so he's okay." are wolf, bear, skeleton, scaled wolf, zombie, mummy, etc okay as pets in the city, but if it's a player in illusion they get attacked? It's really dumb.

The explanation for this at the time the change was made was that those pets WOULD become KOS. I think that change just never got made.

I can see the argument, but it's very inconsistently implemented at the moment (like Athica).
The explanation for this at the time the change was made was that those pets WOULD become KOS. I think that change just never got made.

I can see the argument, but it's very inconsistently implemented at the moment (like Athica).

I understand the "logic" behind it, but from a gameplay point of view it's horrible...especially if the KOS status did eventually encompass pets.

As I said, Iksar being non-Kos (or Vah even) I think is just as silly as people being attacked for having on an illusion. I liked the days when people could hang out in town with various illusions on. I honestly don't understand how that negatively impacted the game balance or lore.

Just my 2 cents...
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