Problem with pets on event fights


Dalayan Adventurer
On some fights like Reasearcher Thek'Rak (right at the start of the fight) and Nylastra`Zara (at crazy sword swinging bitch mode) pets freeze and won't attack anything until you zone/refresh. Is there anything known about this bug or any ways to fix it?

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On some fights like Reasearcher Thek'Rak (right at the start of the fight) and Nylastra`Zara (at caster rape - 8k on cloth death blow phase) pets freeze and won't attack anything until you zone/refresh. Is there anything know about this bug or any ways to fix it?

Any advice would be appreciated.
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I'm doing cancel pet hold and follow. It's not a hold. The pets bug and will follow you but wont attack a target until after I zone.
I think the same bug can occur in ValorA at some point (but I cant recall at what point) but noone really cares because it is so easy mobs so you usually just let them stand out of the fight. Not an option in your fights...
Was wondering if there had been any headway on this. I also was wondering if a "pet refresh" would be possible using the mechanic that saves and reloads a pet each time you zone. Wouldn't be an outright fix but its an idea that could help for the time being.
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