Problem with Main Quest


Dalayan Beginner
I'm on Part 3 - Insight. Seeker Tresaria told me to seek out Priestess Andrenia or Taroceth the Decaying. I then spoke to Priestess Andrenia, followed her outside and killed the attackers, and she gave me the end text thanking me for saving her from the Shadowknight. But when I talk to Seeker Tresaria she keeps asking me to go to Northern Badlands to speak with Priestess Andrenia or Taroceth the Decaying. I went back to NBL and hailed Priestess Andrenia again, got the end text again, returned to Seeker Tresaria, hailed and got the text telling me to go to NBL. It seems to be stuck...

Account name: Leberkas2
Toon name: Quatluu

Thanks guys :)
Did you read the priestess' text? You need to go talk to 3 people, and then hail her again. if you didn't talk to the three, you will be stuck....
darksabbath said:
Did you read the priestess' text? You need to go talk to 3 people, and then hail her again. if you didn't talk to the three, you will be stuck....

Yes I completed part 2 of the quest before moving on to part 3.
Darksabbath is correct. If you read the text from the priestess carefully, it tells you that you need to seek out three people to learn about the corruption. This is not the same as part 2.

It's not fully laid out in the wiki spoiler, but they are Helleron (centaur - CH), Mazik (kargyxx - SBL), and gnoll priestess (gnoll - starfall). Just need to talk with them then hail Andrenia again. After that, you can hail Tresaria to get flagged to speak with the guy in freeport sewers.
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