Problem with EQPlayNice...


Dalayan Beginner
Using my Dell D600 laptop with 1Gig ram, I am having trouble using EQPlaynice..

WR works well without EQPN but boxing my second account is laggy and one of the two will crash while zoning. If I use EQPN with just one account, there seems to be a problem with the CPU or graphics. For example:

running normal speed works for about 3 seconds, then all graphics move like I've been uber snared.. the snare effect lasts about 3 seconds or so then back to normal... 3 sec.. back to snare.. and so on. This even effects my standing still and spining around.

I've also noticed that when I cast spells, the spell timer box move uber slow.. the spell will cast in the normal amount of time, but the timer box and mob's reaction (if any) is uber slow.

Basicly, it seems using EQPN does the reverse effect taht it should.. any ideas?

WinXP Pro SP2
DX 90c
Currently Omega ATI drivers
tried.. current Dell ATI drivers and ATI drivers from ATI (no difference)
1Gig PC2700 RAM
Intel Centrino Mobile 1.8Ghz

**edit** I've adjusted all the graphic settings to the lowest possable setting in game.. and in the ATI control panel but the lag effect still effects everything the same.. I believe it's a compatibility issue with the CPU.. any ideas on a fix?? update to EQPN??
Realize that no game manufacturer designs (or supports) a game running on a portable. So it is very possible that DC'n on your portable is just too much for your system (also it could be a power issue - such as smart step running the CPU at a lower speed to conserve power).

Also, I would advise against using any drivers from ATI's website. ATI does not make or support and drivers for portables (so I would suggest trying to work with the Dell Drivers).

I will be on later to try to give more information later... I will be able to get more info for this system later (be about 4-5 hours).
Honestly, I would not expect to get DC'n to work on your portable. You may have 1GB of memory and a 1.8 Pentium M - but you are running on a 32MB Video Card (which is all that shipped on the D600). I know I have a friend that played EQ on his Dell 600M (which is the Insipron equivalent of the Latitude D600) - I can ask him how well he thinks it would run when trying to play two accounts.

Also, I will add that playing on my desktop (Athlon 1700, 512MB, FX5200-128MB) - I had issues the other night when both characters zoned at the same time. So I would not chaulk this up to EQPN - since I don't the program. I know last week I could DC and zone without incident - so only within the last week did I start having this problem.
on my Sony Vaio FRV37 I can box with no issues. I was even able to run three at a time on live.. using 1Gig of ram and set to share 64Meg to the video card (the older ATI IGP 320m).

I was also able to run EQPN on my Vaio. Thing is, my Vaio has a 2.8Mhz P4.. either way.. I'll just deal with what I have.

Let me know if you can find a way around it.. I would contact Lax about EQPN.. but it really isn't worth it.. I can deal running two without EQPN..
Talk to my friend and he would advise against running two clients on the portable - he has a desktop that he uses with his portable.

I also would advise against EQPlayNice - its design is to not make WR run better - it frees up CPU resources so that other programs run better by reducing the resources used from EQ/WR. So you will likely experience lag when running EQPlayNice with just one account.
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