Problem with Boomba's key!


Dalayan Adventurer
Recently i aquired a certain key that belongs to one Mr. Boomba the Burning. But when I try to talk to him about it he just keeps yapping about how he is going to trade me an oracles eye for a few others. Thats very funny and all, but I am past this part of the Vah quest already.

When I try to hand it to him he simply returns it to me, this leaves me with a key that I cannot use atm :(

Not entirely sure if this is the correct sub-forum for this, but I guess its the closest one that is appropriate. Charname here is Beittil. Tnx for the help!
Do you have any illusion on when you talk to him? Any illusion, even player race one, will make you not max-faction, if that's why he doesn't offer the dialogue.
Try dropping the illusion.
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