Problem: Silver Crown Promotion to Sergeant


Dalayan Beginner
Character in question: Selrach.

A little over three months ago, in the thread Silvercrown Corporal => Sergeant Bugged?, I explained my problem with being unable to receive any further quests or promotion from the Silver Crown. The exchange went as follows:

Ramgan said:
I am bewildered, as I am having problems similar to some mentioned previously, yet others seem to have already advanced in rank. I've done all available quests from the three in Western Badlands, all available from the three in Everfrost, and all available from the two(?) in Goblinskull - Sergeant Destrick, who seems like he should be the third person as found at other camps, responds to nothing.

I've gone back to every single one and asked for more tasks or promotion and they don't seem to think that I'm worthy of Sergeant yet and have nothing new for me. More eerily, a couple don't even respond to an inquiry for more tasks, such as Trader Ralikal in Goblinskull and, if I recall, Trader Togun in Western Badlands. I feel as if I must be missing something fairly major, as I was told that the quest can be done without resorting to killing treants (as you are given the option to express moral outrage), yet I went ahead and did it anyway.

I tried checking Freeport, of course, but Sergeant T`Zar laughed in that way he tends to and told me that I was too low rank and that I should go back to the above places.

The character in question is Selrach and I can acquire any more information desired. I chose to bump this thread because it was already apropos and not too old.

Solo said:
just checking... did you complete all the sc quest in the heartlands? you do not mention them and idk if they need to be done before you can advance to the other zone quest or, if you could skip some/all in the heartlands and still be able to quest the other zones.

Ramgan said:
Certainly I have. I've even gone back a couple times to check everyone and see if they have more for me, but they don't.

All of Heartlands exhausted, three people in Everfrost exhausted, three people in West Badlands exhausted, two in Goblinskull (the only two that'll respond), and the one in South Badlands as per West Badlands. All have been revisited time and time again, asked for both tasks and advancement. All of Freeport scoffs at my rank of Corporal.

I can only imagine that this is some manner of bug or flagging issue, given my exhaustive searching and rechecking, though it's hard for me to imagine quite what the problem would be given the lack of weird events/methods and others' success.

As these posts explain, and as I shall now reiterate, I am a corporal in the Silver Crown who's looking for promotion to sergeant. I have checked every existing Silver Crown camp for both quests and promotion, to no avail. Every quest they've given me has been promptly completed, and the only abnormalities in their dialogue occur in Goblinskull Mountains, wherein Trader Ralika refuses to respond when asked about work and Sergeant Jestick, who I initially assumed to be the seemingly absent third quest-giver for the Goblinskull Mountains enclave, gives no responses whatsoever to hailing. If he isn't a part of the quest, then feel encouraged to disregard his inclusion.

Every other individual tells me that they have no further work and that I'm not ready to be promoted, except Freeport, which turns me away for being too low rank. Yes, I've completed all of the Main Quest up to this point and finished the Heartlands quests long, long ago. Individuals who have completed the quest in its entirety have attempted to go through checklists with me to see if I've solved each quest, and I do recall solving each that they name.

For the sake of thoroughness, I have included actual screenshots of myself asking every single person (except the lone trader in South Badlands, who says nothing at all) for further work, as well as one or two screenshots of asking for advancement. One of them even borders on begging.

First inquiry for promotion.

West Badlands:
Corporal Genein
Trader Togun
Trader Voyna

High Trader Dreina
Trader Jildo
Sergeant Feveg

Trader Ralika, with bothersome silence
Trader Heddick
Sergeant Jestick, who may not be involved

Another inquiry for promotion.

The quality and coloration on these screenshots is visibly impacted by their conversion to JPEG, but JPEGs are faster for me to upload, you to download, and better for everybody in general.
I haven't done any of the SC quests outside of heartlands myself, but I know there is a SC outpost in Sea of Swords (the zone with the druid port). I'm unsure if there are any quests there, but might be something you could look into if you haven't already.
This post voted for best Quest Discussion post EVER! Very comprehensive and informative! I only wish I had access to the necessary things to help fix your issue. :(
Did you do the quest where you need to escort the Trader in SBL? (starts in WBL, but tends to be overlooked)
I did the escorting quest, yes. I'm as positive as can be that there is no more I can do, so...there has to be some sort of problem.
Man, I pretty much love you selrach. Hopefully xelden or someone can swoop in with some helpful advise. GSG wizards need more mana :keke:
I'm sitting in the same boat as of last night, figured I was going to get promoted, since I could not find any more quests, finished my final one, and...I was not deserving of a promotion.

The Corporal in West Badlands, and the High Trader in Everfrost both told me to come back when I am Sergeant for further tasks.....but where's the bridge to cross the gap between Corporal and Sergeant?

I think I might have solved your problem, it solved mine. Apparently, you can turn in more then one Metal deposit list. Handed in 5 more and I got promoted.
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