Everytime I log in, i'm getting the EQW Server login screen overlapping the gameplay window. When I close the EQW screen, it just closes the game also. Also, no commands work when I minimize the EQW screen that is overlapping.
I'm just curious because I have never used it but what does EQW offer that you cant get from hitting alt+enter? I know there has to be something else since there are so many people still using it.
surprised no one saw this sooner...the answer is in your very own screen shot...look at the eqw version you are usung, and then look at the eqw version you SHOULD be using. SoD is an older version of EQ and as such needs to be run in EQW 2.35 not sure where you can get it but i know there is a link somewhere
I'm just curious because I have never used it but what does EQW offer that you cant get from hitting alt+enter? I know there has to be something else since there are so many people still using it.
EQW was designed BY players of EQ FOR players of EQ, and distributed freely. alt+enter was SOE's pathetic attempt at implementing an internal version of EQW, probably to take the glory of having a windowed mode for themselves (at least from the unfortunate part of the population that never heard of EQW). even as an external program EQW was still more reliable, had more options, and was easier to control (in my opinion) than SOE's built in crap. but thats just my 2cp