Priestess Andrenia Faction?


Dalayan Beginner
I have a 60 Wizard and have been stuck on this part of the main quest for awhile, when I hail Priestess Andrenia she respones " Begone from here, heathen" .
Since I wanna remain on good faction (I have sworn to Tarhansar..Chaotic/good) I really don't want to continue on the evil side of the quest.
Since I read that if you take the evil path you would get a Newport faction hit, I tried building my Newport faction and still she respondes the same, is there some other faction I can build to get her reponse to change?
I've been very carful in my hunting to stay neutral on faction hits as far as good/evil.
Any suggestions?

60 High elf wizard
wierd she should respond to you if you have even dub np faction and if your good (at least she did for me when i was dub). Are you to her part in the quest? And are you sure you are good (based on your dreams choice).
I'm sure I'm on that part of the quest..went back and hailed Seeeker Tresaria and se told me to go to that Badlands and make my choice of who to talk to , still at that point Priestess Andrenia told me to begone.
So.. I went back and got the tatterd diary and the old letter thinking I had missed something and tryed turning them into Seeker Tresaria but she just gave them back to me.
At this point Priestess cons indifferently to me, hopfully I can figure this thing out because I just can't make myself go the evil route, I may be Chaotic (don't tell me what to do) but certainly not evil.

I'd be thankful for anybodys input on this.
Ok wondering how long I can stand on principal here, have pulled most of my hair out trying to figure this thing out.
So the question is since I've already sworn to Tarhansar and my alignment is neutral/good, if I went ahaed and took the evil route how much would this screw up my alignment? and would it even let me get very far? or would I run into a problem where I'm to "good" to complete the evil part?
Second if I can do it and I take a hit can it be fixed? if its just a newport faction hit it would'nt be a problem I'm pretty sure I can fix that.
Third Its seems weird that I can find no other posts on this matter and over a 100 veiws on this one and only one person said anything, am I the only one who has had this problem? Or am I just being stupid and missing the obvious?
Not asking for any spoilers here, have tried every thing I can think of. just need new ideas to try.

Mixtli 63 Wizard
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