Precious Lantern proc not working?


Dalayan Beginner
I've been wearing the Precious Lantern in my main hand (which is supposed to proc Spirit Tap) and have not once noticed it actually proc. My character is a bard, he has his AA proc skill, I also often keep Essence of the Spider on (poison proc), I have a Darkweaver Queen's Pincer that I see proc all the time, but the Precious Lantern I haven't seen proc yet. Could the item be bugged somehow? Maybe doesn't proc with bards, or doesn't proc at all?

edit: seeing it proc now .. not sure why i wasn't seeing it .. maybe its just because it has no visible proc effect
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I figured that it usually works .. which is why i'm assuming that it probably is a bard thing maybe something to do with conflicting with bard procs? I seriously have never seen this thing proc and ive been using it for days ..
If an item procs for other toons, it should work for yours. Perhaps it has procced, but you haven't noticed, or the RNG hates you as much as it hates me. This is all assuming you are high enough level to proc it? (I have no idea on the rec level of it, even.)
level 65, still havent seen it proc at all ... and ive been fighting stuff that resists pretty much everything i throw at it and haven't been seeing the resist messages either (which are much easier to notice)

again I'm wondering if this either broke randomly, is an issue specifically with conflicting with bard procs, or something else .. seriously its not proccing lol
!! i've been trying it without essence of the spider on and just saw it proc

I'm going to put essence of the spider back on and see if i can see it proc with it on .. I'll let you know
humm im seeing it proc now with essence of the spider on .. guess i'm just crazy then lol .. i guess the fact that it doesnt have an effect when it lands coupled with bards just proccing like crazy anyway made me miss the message
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