PoW Loot

Finny said:
Says the guy that brags how easy water is constantly over ventrilo, mmmhmm.
MOTG isnt supposed to be hard fight. His loots are on par since you have to go through the whole ordeal to get to him and make him killable.
I agree the arbiter earring is good, but there are several earrings on about the same level that are just as good. I have no problems with the earrings.
We killed him first time... and there were like 6 Steel people.....
You feel as if we're all personally attacking your guild, which is not the case. I have not done much of PoWater, but the fact that you cleared it all of PoWater and have only killed Scribe in Sepulcher and, as you say, are ready for Outer Prison... then compare the loots from both zones (wont go over what others have, they summed the loots up pretty well), yeah, I think there is a pretty serious problem.

Lol, I heard about that. They were just taking down Scribe in Sepulcher and weren't even in OP, but yet I see the loot that's dropping and want a lot of it over CoD and definitely over Sepulcher loot.

While I don't know all the loot from all the zones, I have a pretty good idea of what's about right and what seems like it's over powered. I don't mind the loot being so great in PoW, it just means that raid zones like CoD and Sepulcher are going to be a lot emptier with guilds skipping them and going straight to OP/IP, and then Thaz. Why bother going through the effort of learning those zones?

Naturally this of course is a bit over dramatic, but if I see a lot of loots from PoW that appeal to me, there's gotta be a problem of sorts (even if my equipment is shit, I know what I want, etc.)

One thing I did notice was though, the monk 1hb from PoW was complete shit. It's on par with the Crimson Fistwrap of Wrecking from Cillz. It's almost laughable how terrible it is. I don't know how hard the encounter is that it drops from, but it should at least be a bit better. Perhaps around the level of Gibber? Or is Gibber still harder than the PoW mob?
Thinkmeats said:
to be completely fair, the manis robe has always sucked; it could use a looking-at. numerically, it isnt so bad, but it suffers from a kind of role schizophrenia

I know coming from a monk this is whining and or optimism, but after the robe from NDHK, there aren't many viable upgrades other than Combine. Shroud of Vapour is decent for monks but it's a bit heavy, and more balanced to priests, while priests have a few options available to them, including NDHK boss, Taeshlin robe, etc. Monks have the shitty robe from Advisor until we get the faction and gems for Combine. Naturally I wouldn't care so much but I hate factioning and someone ruined it on me while I was being botted. I could have had the combine tunic long ago if it weren't for factioning. Having an alternative would be really sweet, one that was more balanced towards monks. Making it a nice tunic instead of a dress would also be pretty sweet.

Sorry for the derail, but figured I may as well expand on your thought.

Disciple of the One in Sepulcher drops a very decent Mnk BP (Fomelo Zurash), Hikage has a new robe from PoWater I believe, and I have no idea where Jenina's BP is from, but it is also an upgrade over the DHK robe. Hope those help.
Distract BP is much nicer than the chestwraps by almost all accounts.

The Prophet BP is something between Advisor BP and Combine/distraction and fits in fine. If you are a guild who can do prophet in its final form than you are not **that** far away from doing manis for the upgrade.
Jun said:
Disciple of the One in Sepulcher drops a very decent Mnk BP (Fomelo Zurash), Hikage has a new robe from PoWater I believe, and I have no idea where Jenina's BP is from, but it is also an upgrade over the DHK robe. Hope those help.

Wow ok, thanks Junius. I was absent for about nine months so my knowledge in the area is lacking just a little, and I haven't seem that BP before just today, for whatever reason.
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