PoV Armor - boots


Dalayan Elder
Turned in an orb of valorium to Karuff Ironhand and didnt get anything in return. Said he crafted boots, but I didnt get any "You recieved.." message and nothing new in inventory.
Bracer turn-in before this worked fine.

[Sat Mar 03 18:32:55 2007] Karuff Ironhand takes the metal and holds it above the blue flame next to him. With a great strike of his hammer he splits the metal into two. With one half of the metal he skillfully begins to shape it into what looks like a pair of boots...
[Sat Mar 03 18:32:55 2007] You gain 9500 experience!!
[Sat Mar 03 18:32:55 2007] Karuff Ironhand says, 'Here it is Iaeolan, the fruit of our labor. If it does not suit you feel free to hand it back to me and I can exchange it for something in my stores.'

Looked into it.

You already turned in a peice of valorium of the same quality and when it tried to give you your item it lored out and poofed.

Putting in a message that tells you when you already have the peice its trying to give
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