Possible New Player


Dalayan Beginner
Howdy. I've been looking at this server for quite a while, but a lot of people tell me its hard to start up now. So what im asking I guess is if I started would i be able to find groups to level and eventually a raiding guild? I'm not going to bother asking dumb questions like what is the least played class haha. Any answer is appreciated. Thanks.
Yes it is quite possible. Your best bet is to box two toons through the lower levels. Tanks and clerics are always in high demand.
yeah im a new player here, and it is kind of challenging starting up, but thats what kinda makes it fun. i always thought of everquest as more of a fun mmo than others because it felt legit harder back in the day. I am also two boxing two toons at the same time and its definitely a big help. Also something i was never able to do back in the day since i didnt want to pay for two accounts(and i was like 15), and its kinda fun imo.
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It is much easier if you dual box. Most combinations of a healer + anything else work for the first 30 levels after which grouping become a bit easier to do. There's often lots of groups out and about if you're willing to travel.
Aye SoD is 2 games in 1. There is the 1-65 game thats very EQ esk
the 65+ game is where it gets extreamly interesting and unique. MANY MANY different ways to improve your character.
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