Ports for the patcher?


Dalayan Beginner
Well, moved to college, have a restrictive firewall, but can probably get them to open some ports.

I'm going to ask if they can open all ports to (wintersroar.com), but if they won't let that happen, what ports should I ask for?

A post earlier states:
UDP 5997 - Loginserver
UDP 9000 - World Server
UDP 7770-7794, 7950-8091 - Zone servers
But I'm not sure if the patcher needs to be included somewhere in there? And does that also connect to wintersroar.com?

Really? When I ran the patcher, it gave me:
Attempting to connect to Patch Server...

Downloading Update Core File...
Scanning Files...
Unable to read Core File!

Since it was working fine before I got to college, I assumed it was the network.
Setting Sygate to ask permission for connections, it says the WRPatcher uses port 21, the standard FTP port.
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