Port numbers and packet types question


Dalayan Beginner
Hi there

I am unfortunate enough to be playing on a shared line at home. Only way i can get more than 512 mbit shared with 90 ppl is to get the system administrator to put me everquest on the list of accepted applications to run on their network.

What he needs is my ip adress and the ports needed as well as information if its udp or tcp packets.

I read that sony states everquest uses port 1024-6000,7000 with both tcp and udp packets. Thats a pretty insane amount of ports to ask to be opened.

Does EQ on wintersroar really communicate with all those ports? Im guessing sony states the amount of ports so they can make their network and let it grow as they wish without ppl complaining about connection issues.

My best guess would be that WR only uses a handfull of ports. Does anyone know if thats true and which ports that might be?

Would be nice to get a pl under 50 % for a change.
Doing this off the top of my head, so I may forget something...but...

I'm pretty sure its all UDP, but if you only get one chance to tell these guys what you need, I'd suggest you request both UDP and TCP.

UDP 5997 - Loginserver
UDP 9000 - World Server
UDP 7770-7794, 7950-8091 - Zone servers

I think that's it.


Hi Wany

Thanks for the list. I told the administrator and he decided to actually open up all my ports as the only person in those 90 apartments. Nice :p

So it all works out Im sure. Im certain someone else might benefit from this post as well since its not the same port ranges as live uses, which I was told ingame that it would be.
bump so these numbers are at the top...

These are the ports I opened (both UDP and TCP) up on my router and I'm still getting constantly disconnected while playing (which seems to indicate router issues)

Any ports I'm missing?
What type of router are you using? I know there was a specific LinkSys Router (that I unfortunately had) that Sony identified as causing random disconnects in Live - don't remember if they ever fixed the issue.
Well, I believe the BERSR41 was the model I had after searching on this issue. I did see it mentioned that other LinkSys routers have had similar problems (did not see yours mentioned specifically).

I have come across two different sites that mentioned to enable port forwarding (note: use this at your own discretion):

A quote from one of the sites:

The following is only for those who are operating on Linksys Routers (Dont flame... I haven't had any problems with mine, so I'm going to stick with it. :D )

Type in your password and when the setup screen pops up click on your "Advance" tab on top..

Then Click on "Forwarding"

In that window click on the "Port Triggering"

Then type in what I have in my screen shot of the "Port Triggering"... this will prevent you from being dropped while playing the game... then save... Hope it helps!

Well the post is 2.5 years old - and obviously this is not an option on your router. And looking at the user guide for your modem - I see this wasn't an option.

Some questions I have:

Is this computer using wireless or is it hardwired to the router?
Are you using Static or Dynamic IP Settings for your system?

From what I can tell, you need to make sure you are on static IP Address. If Port Forwarding is not working, the you can try setting up your system's IP for DMZ access and see if that helps any.

If you set it to DMZ - be aware that this opens up the system to the internet.
I am hardwired into the router, but yeah, using DHCP...

I have confirmed that the port forwarding is being applied to the correct ip address (my pc), so I guess I'm not sure how going to static would help any?
Any time you restart your computer - your IP Address may change. So using DHCP and running IP Forwarding means you have to verify IP Address every restart.

If the IPs match up presently, then obviously there is something else to check - that is for future issues. Can try DMZ - if that doesn't work then I would take it back off.
After reluctantly trying even the DMZ, I still get disconnected after only a couple minutes of playing.

Starting to think that it's not in the cards for me...
If you can (since the router is directly connected to the PC) - try connecting the PC directly to the modem you are using if possible. Shut the system down when doing this (may also have to reboot or power cycle the modem).

If everything works fine - then this would indicate an issue with the router. If it still is disconnecting you, then the issue may lie elsewhere.
Yeah, now I've even tried being plugged in directly to the cable modem, still being disconnected...

So given that my internet connection is perfectly stable, where do I go to trouble shoot this?
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