Please help - -My apologies


Dalayan Beginner
My apologies on my breach of rules. Yesterday I posted seeking to borrow a Druid accnt and was unaware it was frowned upon. Had I known I certainly would not have acted in such a fashion. I did read, or thought I read the rule guide on the download page. I am sorry for my violation and will never again break the rules set by administration. I would very much like my ip address unbanned. I just got back into playing with my brother after many years hiatus. Once again, my sincere apologies

I'm going to recommend you do a little searching on your own. Find:

(1) The rules, especially the huge one you broke.
(2) How to appeal a ban.

It will remain difficult to take an "I won't break the rules again" seriously until you've done that, and that would hurt your appeal's chances, should you choose to make an appeal.
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