Please Help - Kah The Blade


Dalayan Beginner
Is it possible for a GM to remove an experience debt (huge one) caused by a bugged NPC?

Maybe that's not what it was, but here's what happened...

I was sitting at the front gates at NP, right by the guards.
My faction is fine there, I'm only level 13.
Anyway, I went afk for 20 minutes or so.
Just as I sat back down in my chair, I saw an NPC named
Kah The Blade run up to another player that was afk, killed him,
then killed every other player in the area (about a half dozen).
The guards naturally didn't like this too much so they started whacking
on Kah, well Kah killed the guards too. Then he hit me 3 times and I
too was dead.
Worst part is, I'm bound there. So 10 secs later, I pop back up,
and he kills me again, and a couple other poor schmoes, and again,
and again, and again. I kept trying to run, but never got more than
20 feet or so and he was hitting in the 100's.
I took a screenshot after about the 4th time he kicked my ass.
I changed it to a .jpg file so it would work though.

So what's the deal? Is he a random spawn? a bug?
Is this a tough luck, sucks to be you thing? or can someone help me
get that debt paid off?

I couldn't figure out how to show the screenshot here, so I uploaded it
to a free place online.
Download the screenshot by click on this link:

If that's not allowed, I apologize. ;(
He's a rogue gm/merchant. The Rogues in Newport don't care for most people. He got trained up there somehow.
rab said:
He's a rogue gm/merchant. The Rogues in Newport don't care for most people. He got trained up there somehow.

I've seen him at the gates quite a few times... I've even been hit by him while sitting near the translocator... got up... looked around and he wasnt there... I think something is buggy with it

I've seen him myself a few either he is bugged or someone is having too much fun with him ;(
rab said:
He's a rogue gm/merchant. The Rogues in Newport don't care for most people. He got trained up there somehow.

Im standing with rab , ive seen alot of jerkface's pull rogue npc's up to the newbie zone.

Id say its possible that its a bug too , If he is a GM youd assume he is higher level and would be quite a different pull (God forbid the wizard gm punches for 500)

if your really hard core you could complain about your kill death ratio being ruined
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