Play fine for hours, then LD and get 1001 error for hours on end


Dalayan Beginner
Title pretty much describes my issue. I can log in and play fine, zone fine, group fine and everything is kosher until eventually I'll LD on death or zone and then I get progressively worse and worse results when trying to log in.

Initially I'll be able to log in and get all the way entering the world and get kicked back to EULA.

After a couple of tries I'll only make it to char select, then only to server screen, then I get error 1001 for hours on end.

Then, just as suddenly as it wonked out on me, I'll log in and play fine for hours on end again.

As you can imagine it's pretty unnerving when forming groups as I don't know if I'll be able to get back from a LD or if I'll strand the group I created after all the set up work.

I know SoD has a history of connectivity issues, I've read the FAQ's and posts on the issue and I'm just curious if anyone has a slowly degrading connectivity issue like I do.
Most of those long-term connectivity issues are:

(1) the packetloss bug -- but that's not what you are describing at all

(2) solved and no longer issues

(3) client-side issues -- if you are running anything after windows XP, avoid EQPN .. also there could be issues with your antivirus software not liking the extended connection to SoD

(4) ISP issues -- there were severe issues with Bresnan (sp?) disallowing any SoD connections that have been resolved, and some ISPs like to limit your connection to any individual destinations (I had angryfaced words with my ISP about a year ago)

I'd say to be careful, but disabling your antivirus software to see if the Error 1001 stops is a possible idea. For ISP issues, chances are you wouldn't be able to do a "Repatch All" if there was a problem of that nature. Try that next time and see if that's something you're unable to do as well.
You may already be doing this, but when I get the 1001 error restarting the client from scratch seems to help.
I disable all firewalls, ports are opened, don't run any of the Lavish suite, and can repatch just fine. My internet connection is still just fine as well.

I'm using a corporate ISP that is provided on my drilling rig, it's all satellite links based out of Canada. So I'm thinking either they are locking things down at a certain time of day or bandwidth is being reduced due to traffic at certain times of day.

Either way I'm thinking about adding tethering to my phone. I used to play EQ Live on my blackberry. heheheh
Is there a way to change the timeout setting between my client and the ISP? It seems like the server gives me a set amount of time to connect and if I'm not fast enough it boots me.
Seeing as I only took 20 seconds to get a good idea where you live, you might want to remove some of those IP numbers..
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