Plane of Nightmare Faction Problem


Dalayan Adventurer
Hey I recently went to start on my Marlow aug quest in Nightmare, zoned up, and everything there is KoS to me. I'm still pledged to the diety, they just wanna kill me up there. My Marlow gate neck also disappeared on me. I was hoping someone could take a look at it and help me out. Thanks

This seems to be a fairly common problem amongst older SK's and Pallys made before the deity reset. I don't know if this applies to you, but as you are pledged to Marlow already it is impossible for you to have lowered your faction with her in any other way.

Petition for a faction reset and your Amulet of Marlow back citing this thread. If no one is around to assist in game, I will handle it after work. (~5 hours from this posting).
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