Plane of Frost exit


Dalayan Adventurer
Does anyone know if there is an exit / zoneout from Plane of Frost?

Also, after wandering around there for a while, I eventually ran into a mob that was KoS and I exited that way :) in spite of being promised safe passage by Shojar himself, when I pledged.
Is that intended or accidental? (some KoS mobs in your own plane)
I remember a time when Althuna's giant wisps attacked her worshippers, I think they fixed that though.
Safe zone out is probably same as most planes: Wizzy/Druid port (except in earth where a bug at zone in zones you out)
There is only one (1) KoS mob in the entire zone, that is if you are pledged to Shojar.... Also he is VERY avoidable.
im guessing its the frozen burning spirit that is kos to you and there is an rp reason why that is so.
I don't have the log file but I believe you're right, it was the frozen burning spirit.
Can anyone confirm that the exit is somewhere near the entry point? I have clicked a lot of walls and statues around where I landed, with no success.
A single KoS mob inside your own plane is odd, but I have seen on the dragon ally side a KoS mob still inside NDHK. Some mobs just hate you no matter what.
I can't remember even looking for an exit to the zone much less actually finding one :), we usually mass relocate, or port to another raid zone.
A single KoS mob inside your own plane is odd, but I have seen on the dragon ally side a KoS mob still inside NDHK. Some mobs just hate you no matter what.

There's a perfectly logical reason for it. It's a prisoner of Shojar, not one of his minions. Of course he hates Shojar's buddies.
Also there is a guy outside of PoFrost being relieved that he escaped shojars realm if you could just walk out it would be quite strange
The guy outside is very much not KoS to pledged. I don't know if that's what you're talking about though.
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