Pixie Silk


Dalayan Master
So I've got a little 9 wizard farming wizard silk while locked off at level 9, and he's managed to collect every piece...except for a Pixie Silk Cord. This isn't such a huge issue except for the fact that Mazzej has accumulated almost 1500 kills. Not ALL of those were pixies, but a sizable portion was. My question is, can a Pixie Silk Cord even drop? Is it in the loot table?

On a side note, I also only saw a total of 3 (yes I counted) Pixie Lutes drop. That is stupid rare, and I think the drop should be upped for bards looking for a pimp lute.

EDIT: To make it clear, ive seen between 4-8 of every other Pixie Silk piece drop, but not a single cord. If it isn't in the loot table, then it should be...
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What Taru says. Your dreams of becoming a true pixie will never be, due to the lack of a cords existance.
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