Hello all, hope this topic wasn't discussed already...
I'm using the classical UI with transparent windows, and after seeing a post about SK pet aggro, I had the idea to edit the XML files about pet window EQUI_PetInfoWindow.xml in the uifiles directory. Currently only the "Pet Taunt" button is implemented in the pet window and no matter how many times you click, it stays on.
So I tried to setup something like a Taunt/Notnt button on the Sit/Stand template different ways using "Pet Notaunt" or "Pet Taunt Off", and it just doesnt work (a notnt button that does nothing, a taunt button that works but doesnt switch to notnt...)
So I'd like to know
1) if it will ever be possible to manage this taunt button,
2) if it's possible to customize the window to put new buttons like Pet Report, or to enlarge buttons ?
3) is there a good site or forum about UI discussion (preferrably SoD compatible) ?
Thank you by advance.
I'm using the classical UI with transparent windows, and after seeing a post about SK pet aggro, I had the idea to edit the XML files about pet window EQUI_PetInfoWindow.xml in the uifiles directory. Currently only the "Pet Taunt" button is implemented in the pet window and no matter how many times you click, it stays on.
So I tried to setup something like a Taunt/Notnt button on the Sit/Stand template different ways using "Pet Notaunt" or "Pet Taunt Off", and it just doesnt work (a notnt button that does nothing, a taunt button that works but doesnt switch to notnt...)
So I'd like to know
1) if it will ever be possible to manage this taunt button,
2) if it's possible to customize the window to put new buttons like Pet Report, or to enlarge buttons ?
3) is there a good site or forum about UI discussion (preferrably SoD compatible) ?
Thank you by advance.