Pen key for grobb faction


Dalayan Elder
Hello, I recently got the Amulet of blackscale service, and I was wondering on ways of increasing grobb faction. I found the quest to turn in pen key to a prisoner in Keep of mielech, but when I do, it gets returned to me, no faction, no prisoner dissapearing, no nothing. I killed all the mobs in the room, and nothing still happened. Is this a bug, or do I have to do something before it?

please reply, i don't wanna have to be afraid of the guild masters in grobb :(

character name is Udeni
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Are you invis when you do the turn in or tried hailing them first? Or try using the key to open the cell door first then try the turn in. I don't think there was a flag needed to do the turn in when I did this on my Mage. Also you can't raise faction with the guild masters doing those turn ins. I've got mine up to indifferent with the guard and citizens and he's still KOS to the guild masters.
I was not invised, I opened the door before handing the key in. I also hailed them before handing it to them, with both the door open and closed.
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