path of the cult priest part 2


Dalayan Elder
I recently got the staff for completing part 1, and now I went to infect the cities. I was able to infect newport and centaur hills, but can't find a fish or a child to infect in surefall. I have tried infecting and killing the following in SFG: An excited child, A surefall protector, a pest scout, a pest young, and also Apprentice Bethany, who is invulnerable, so I couldn't actually kill her. I am at a loss of who I should infect and kill now, please reply with what I'm doing wrong!
Character is Oequi

Edit: I was looking around at 12 AM game time, maybe a child spawns in daytime?
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I looked again during the day and found no children, I even tried the excited child again (he deserved it) and it didn't work. I want my cult robe :(
You probably just aren't pulling the child to the correct spot there. Get it in the water sort of near the ranger guild and go as deep as you can in the water before you click the staff. I used a child to do this and got it on the first try. I don't think many other people (or maybe any at all?) besides myself have completed this quest, so I doubt anyone else will have any useful input for you here.
Got it, had to pull it in front of the ranger guild and go as low in the water as possible
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