Dalayan Adventurer
When I try to patch I get
Attempting to connect to Patch Server...
Error: Username/Password was not accepted for file transaction.
Please send a email to [email protected] concerning this error.
I haven't played or downloaded anything since october of last year so ya I'm missing some things but what exactly should I dl, I've patched eqlive like said but patched up to that new expansion depths of dark hollow or whatever (not including it). I extracted the files from http://www.shardsofdalaya.com/ to C/wrpatcher/wrfiles, I don't know where else I don't have this 'game.exe or eqgame.exe' (eqgame with that shield icon yes but not with .exe)
I use the patcher from a year ago so is there a new one I can dl from somewhere?
What to do?
Attempting to connect to Patch Server...
Error: Username/Password was not accepted for file transaction.
Please send a email to [email protected] concerning this error.
I haven't played or downloaded anything since october of last year so ya I'm missing some things but what exactly should I dl, I've patched eqlive like said but patched up to that new expansion depths of dark hollow or whatever (not including it). I extracted the files from http://www.shardsofdalaya.com/ to C/wrpatcher/wrfiles, I don't know where else I don't have this 'game.exe or eqgame.exe' (eqgame with that shield icon yes but not with .exe)
I use the patcher from a year ago so is there a new one I can dl from somewhere?
What to do?