

Dalayan Adventurer
When I try to patch I get
Attempting to connect to Patch Server...

Error: Username/Password was not accepted for file transaction.
Please send a email to [email protected] concerning this error.

I haven't played or downloaded anything since october of last year so ya I'm missing some things but what exactly should I dl, I've patched eqlive like said but patched up to that new expansion depths of dark hollow or whatever (not including it). I extracted the files from to C/wrpatcher/wrfiles, I don't know where else I don't have this 'game.exe or eqgame.exe' (eqgame with that shield icon yes but not with .exe)

I use the patcher from a year ago so is there a new one I can dl from somewhere?
What to do?
Download the files from to your EQ directory instead of your WRPatcher directory, and overwrite all files that ask for permission to overwrite. After doing that, go into your EQ directory and look for a folder called eqw. Open that up and launch eqw.exe. Then use the browse button to point the launcher at your eqgame.exe file, which is in your main EQ directory. After doing that..Hit start EQ, and you should be golden.
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