Patcher stuck at "Patching: generalcommands.html"


Dalayan Beginner
Hey guys, someone I know is having a problem where he runs the SOD patcher but gets stuck at "Patching: generalcommands.html". He was able to patch regular eq all the way, including all the optional expansions. He installed the .net framework just as in the startup guide too. Any help?
this is the exact same thing that is happening to me aswell and i havent been able to get past it yet.
In the Files section of the main site, there is a download of the patch files. I don't know if they keep this up to date, but I had to DL them awhile back, but haven't had a problem with the patcher since. Just download the zip file and unzip it to your EverQuest directory.
this worked finaly just re dled all the files and extracted to my eq folder and it finaly worked see you all in game ":)
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