Patcher Problem.


Dalayan Beginner
Hey guys. I just downloaded the patcher and when I open it no matter what it always gets hung up on "Getting Patch List". :?
You are running the sodpatcher.exe not the sodbin.exe correct?

And do you have the Microsoft .NET updates all installed on your PC ?
ok. I have .NET installed. Still whenever I try to run the patcher I get stuck on "Getting Patch List"
I am using Sodbin, is there a problem with that? It's just that whenever I use sodpatcher a black window comes up for a while then I get an error. I assumed I was supposed to use sodbin.
i have the SoD patcher and i use the sodpatcher.exe but i still get caught up on the getting patch list. Also i downloaded the microsoft .NEt files that were linked in an earlier post
I am having the same problem. I can play the game just fine. Do I really need to worry about this patch stuff at all?
Ok, so which is it? sodpatcher.exe or sodbin.exe? sodpatcher.exe needs me to direct it to my SoD files, where sodbin doesn't ask for that... thats the only difference I can see. Also, which ever one I run, it always wants to start up in windowed mode. Is there anyway to run the patcher and then go directly into the game WITHOUT using windowed mode?
Save both files in say .. "c:\sod\" and then create a shortcut on yer desktop to the sodpatcher.exe file
run sodpatcher.exe. you HAVE TO direct it to your SoD files, so it can patch, kuz thats what patchers do. as for EQW go into advanced options and uncheck "use EQW" lol it didnt seem that difficult
Except for the "it didn't seem that difficult", that was a very informative reply and just what I was needing. Thanks.
Good one , still doesn't work for me , looks like the good old patcher was more stable
Or at least worked for more people
Assertor ? you have the .net files etc and have followed the instructions given ?

Saying it doesn't work without a lil more info is like taking your car to the mechanic and only saying "it's broke" Not flaming ya just you have posted in two threads that I have replied to you in now only saying that it doesn't work.

More info please and I'm sure we can resolve this for ya
Except for the "it didn't seem that difficult", that was a very informative reply and just what I was needing. Thanks.

Sorry heh, wasnt in a good mood for reasons other than the patcher and you, so shouldnt have been rude. my mistake, and glad i could help.
ok need some help here. read advice did what you said still getting application failed message (0xc0000135) error. what now?
Well I used the last "new" Patcher who replaced the blue one before old SoD was shut, so yes I have .net 1.1 in french (is it the problem ? :) .
I directed to the good EQ directory,checked "repatch all", unchecked "EQW", checked and unchecked the logging...well Everything I noticed in the previous posts about this patcher. Iit 's been always blocked at "getting patch list..." . Otherwise teh game still works (well when it will be up ;) and I keep applying the patch files I directlly downloaded from the site. The only thing I see is a possible router problems, maybe it needs some ports opened. Hope it helps.
Assertor: see my reply in your other thread ..

The added details are most assistive thank you :)
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