Patcher Problem Solution


Dalayan Beginner
Alright, I decided to get motivated and troubleshoot this problem today cause I have been itching to get try this emu for a few days now but have been experiencing the problem with the WRPatch.exe file bugging out while trying to DL eqstr_us.txt and popping up the msdos prompt window telling you to email so and so with various details.

If you have this problem, try what I did. Look in the directory you installed the patcher in, for a file called wrp_sett.txt if you dont have one, make one.

Open the file and put the path to your Everquest directory in it and hit save. The path should look something like this:

C:\Program Files\Sony\Everquest

You can also put the destination for the EQW file below that if you want. Save it and run WRPatch.exe and it should work. Least it did for me. Seems like it was just a problem of the Patcher not saving its customization settings and bugging out.

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