Patcher Issues


Dalayan Beginner
Hello. I have connected to SoD many times int he past, played characters and such, but suddenly my patcher won't connect to the server. Here is what the log is telling me. Any idea what it could be?

Starting SoD Patcher version 1.80 at 01/31/12 - 14:23:07
Retrieving patcher CRC.
ERROR! Unable to open URL
WARNING! Checksum retrieved for patcher is incorrect length 0. Ignoring new version.
ERROR! Unable to open URL

The message it gives me in a pop up window says to see if I can connect to the SoD website and try again. Clearly I can connect, but the patcher still gives errors. Tried re-downloading the patcher and replacing the one in my install folder. Kinda stumped at the point
Fixed my own problem.
Installed a program earlier called "Charles"
Basically it acted as a proxy, by turning off the use of a proxy server in internet explorer (yuck) I was able to access everything just fine.
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