patcher issues


Dalayan Beginner
I have returned after a long time away from SoD but I am feeling like such a noob because I cant even get the game to load for me.

First basic system specs:
I am running Win7 using Windows Firewall and AVG for my virus software and have EQ 'installed' under the Program Files (x86) folder and double checked that I do have .net installed

When I run the patcher I am stuck on the "Getting files list" so I disabled both the windows firewall and AVG (which I really dont like doing) but still nothing. So I deleted the files.txt from the EQ directory and tried to do the repatch all. Still stuck on "Getting files list"
So I decided to bypass the patcher all together and I downloaded the patched files and installed them into my EQ directory. So now to my noob part. Which file do I launch to get into the game now that I manaully patched? If I do the patcher it just hangs on that file list and I tried running everquest.exe and it flashes something up on the screen for a brief second and then is gone again, when I checked the task manager it doesnt even show it running.

So first is there something I am missing when trying to just use the patcher? That would be the simplest solution if I could just figure out why the patcher isnt working.
Second if I can just get in and play that is going to be awesome since my wife actually said that if we could play EQ again but not have to pay monthly for it she would be interested! :)

Any help would be great!
You mean eqw.exe? Ok I got in however only in windows mode and I ran into a few other problems now:

1. Even though I have 4 gigs of memory I am only allowed to select two character models, any way to correct that?
2. and this one is major, when I get to the character select screen it only lists a level 0 warrior in eternal wall with none of my characters available or no ability to create a new character or any other menu options.

I tested it on my account and my wife's account and got the same results.
DOH!! I didnt know there was a new patcher! Everyone is good now and I got advice in game about hitting Enter not clicking Next when selecting models.
Thank you!!
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