Patcher Issue of the Day


Dalayan Beginner
This morning when I hit up my SoD patcher in an attempt to get things rolling with my fun in Dalaya...My Patcher told me it was patching Sodbin.exe...this confused me a bit but i shrugged it off and went about some other business.. :brow: .15 minutes later i look back and it still saying Patching:Sodbin.exe and shows no sign of progress.. :? ..I figure somethings hung up so i hit cancel and retry....only to recieve a message about populating a Hashtable...once again i shrug it off as standard...30 minutes dice...still populating hashtable. :mad: ..So i close SoD patcher completely and's been an hour now and im back where i started with no sign of progress. :censored: ..
Any Idea's?
what worked for me

Had something similiar happen, I just hit the 'advanced' button first and selected Repatch all. Restarted it and it worked fine.
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