Patcher Errors


Dalayan Beginner
I did search for this problem, but found nothing quite the same.

Everytime I hit Patch and Run on the Patcher I get the following two popups.

Unable to contact server with diagnostic information! Please check your IE settings and ensure you can connect to


Errors were encounter while patching (see the log file for details). Thsi can happen if you have another EQ client running. Do you wish to run EverQuest anyway?

The logfile has the following.

Starting SoD Patcher version 1.91 at 05/05/13 - 21:00:24
Retrieving patcher CRC.
ERROR! Unable to open URL /patchlist.php?file=patcher
WARNING! Checksum retrieved for patcher is incorrect length 0. Ignoring new version.
ERROR! Unable to open URL /patch_diag.php?code=0
ERROR! Unable to open URL /patchlist.php
Loading server file list from /patchlist.php
Unable to retrieve server file list from /patchlist.php
Loading local file list from C:\Users\Miller\AppData\Roaming\Shards of Dalaya\sodfiles.txt

I can connect to website fine in IE and haven't changed anything there. This just started happening about a week ago.

Any suggestions/thoughts?
Do you have any sort of software firewall or antivirus software which might be blocking the patcher's connection to the internet?
Somehow the patcher is not being allowed to dial out to the server. You are absolutely sure there is nothing on your end blocking it? Have you tried bypassing your router?

In the interim you can use but that really should be a stop gap, using the patcher is important.
Figured it out. Apparently the sodpatcher.cfg file was missing the first line which tells it the http to go to for the patchlist.php. I have no idea how it got erased, but even when i deleted the APPS folder it didn't work right when it rebuilt the .cfg.

Either way. Worked after I manually added the
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