Tried patching the game today from the file link on the landing page and im getting an EQGFx_Dx8_New.dll error. No IPBLOCKER or VIRUS PROGRAM on the PC. Here is the log.
Starting SoD Patcher version 1.92 at 07/01/14 - 18:10:18
Retrieving patcher CRC.
Loading server file list from
Unable to retrieve server file list from
Loading local file list from C:\Users\Corey\AppData\Roaming\Shards of Dalaya\sodfiles.txt
Unable to copy file C:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest\EQGfx_Dx8_new.dll to C:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest\EQGfx_Dx8.dll. Make sure you don't have another client running.
The operation completed successfully.
Starting SoD Patcher version 1.92 at 07/01/14 - 18:10:18
Retrieving patcher CRC.
Loading server file list from
Unable to retrieve server file list from
Loading local file list from C:\Users\Corey\AppData\Roaming\Shards of Dalaya\sodfiles.txt
Unable to copy file C:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest\EQGfx_Dx8_new.dll to C:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest\EQGfx_Dx8.dll. Make sure you don't have another client running.
The operation completed successfully.
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