Hello there,
I truly hope this isn't a redundant question, and if it is, I do apologize.
When if first started on Dalaya, I installed eq as per the instructions on your Getting Started Page, and then (without fully patching) I just launched the sodpatcher program, logged in and played normally.
Tonnes of fun!
I then noticed that in my excitement, I actually hadn't followed your instructions to the letter, which is to say I didn't let sony patch my copy of EQ up all the way. I figured I ought to do so, and let the patcher run.
After fully completing the sony patch, I lauched the SoDPatcher, hit "patch and run"... and it hung.
I launched it again, clicked "repatch all", hit "patch and run" again... and it hung.
The patcher consistently hangs with the message "updating generalcommands.htm" (or some such file, I'm writing from work and not from home, so I don't remember exactly)...
Am I alone having this issue, have I done something wrong, and can the situation be remedied?
If worst came to worst I could simply reinstall EQ and run the SoDPatcher without allowing sony to update my EQ for me (which worked in the first place)... but I'd like to avoid having to do so if at all possible.
Anyone have any thoughts/solutions on/for this?
> Mephot - LvL 6 (Yes, uber 6!) necro.
I truly hope this isn't a redundant question, and if it is, I do apologize.
When if first started on Dalaya, I installed eq as per the instructions on your Getting Started Page, and then (without fully patching) I just launched the sodpatcher program, logged in and played normally.
Tonnes of fun!
I then noticed that in my excitement, I actually hadn't followed your instructions to the letter, which is to say I didn't let sony patch my copy of EQ up all the way. I figured I ought to do so, and let the patcher run.
After fully completing the sony patch, I lauched the SoDPatcher, hit "patch and run"... and it hung.
I launched it again, clicked "repatch all", hit "patch and run" again... and it hung.
The patcher consistently hangs with the message "updating generalcommands.htm" (or some such file, I'm writing from work and not from home, so I don't remember exactly)...
Am I alone having this issue, have I done something wrong, and can the situation be remedied?
If worst came to worst I could simply reinstall EQ and run the SoDPatcher without allowing sony to update my EQ for me (which worked in the first place)... but I'd like to avoid having to do so if at all possible.
Anyone have any thoughts/solutions on/for this?
> Mephot - LvL 6 (Yes, uber 6!) necro.