pally starfall item too rare?


Dalayan Beginner
the Twined Platinum Coil for the Paladin Starfall quest for the Amulet of Blessing seems too rare for it's worth. I've been farming the spectres for the past few hours and the wailing spectre has yet to spawn.

imo, get rid of the ph, if that makes it too common, make the drop rarer. maybe variate his loot table a little if it isn't presently, make him have some half-decent pally item or something.

link to wiki page: Paladin Starfall Quests
Tried the ghost things in Erimal near the entrance to Ruins of First City? They drop pretty common there.
really? that's of course exactly what i was farming... spectral haunters aka spectres, the wailing spectre should spawn in the last spot of these guys, he hadn't done so for the entire 3 hours i was there. not once.
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