Paladin Thug Helmet Quest

Kirin Folken

Dalayan Elder
I haven't seen hide or hair of anyone even trying to do this quest. Does anyone know of anyone out there that has the helm? I am wondering if its worth my time to try out as I currently realy like my Kedge Rimmed hood.

.. I know paladins are not very common in the game so this could be part of the problem.

So basicly looking for..

Stats... how bad was it to do? where to go? do you think its worth it etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Just tried the tasdrakh outcast. He was hard to find. My druid tracked him, but had to get into the water to engage and promptly ran to shore and died. By then my 61 Paladin arrived and died getting him down to about 60% after using LOH.

This is going to require a group with a puller who can track.

Fivof 60 Paladin
.. your level 60... and he ate you?? ouch Your not givening me much hope as I am currently 56.

Considering I dont even have a tracker this is going to be a real pain. Unless you have the wrong mob....
Yes, you are not going to solo him. I did not mention it, but first he ate the Druid BooBoo Bear, who was fully buffed. He did not survive long enough for me to get a heal off. And forget root and snare. He is immune to them. So the old Pally trick of root, step back and heal, will also not work.

I wish I knew if the hat is even worth it.

I hired the help of a 20th level ranger to track the outcast for me. It swims (Rather Fast I might add) around the island a bit off the shelf area underwater. If you dive in the water you will see the entire island is sitting on a high shielf.. the Outcast wander line is a little ways out from the shielf so you can't really see him from shore.

By swimming fast I mean swimming straight at him for a minute or so when hes near you might get you catch up to him LOL. Luckly azmat is a froglok so I was swimming alot faster then him.

As far as this guy eating a level 60 paladin...

Azmat had just barly dinged 62 (same gear I had since 58 I might add) He was a good fight, but at the end Azmat was still at 70% health and still had 50% mana. I was fully shaman buffed (from my Nabal) but my shaman was not involved in the fight *couldn't get second account to fire up that night*

The quest is up on Wiki currently as well. The helm is..

AC 23
+8 Str +8 Sta +8 Cha +8 Wis +55 hps +65 mana +10 vs Magic
Mind Shield +2%

Healing Increment IV

I would say this quest is worth doing, and in many ways I think its easyer then Soulfire. The Paw trip isn't anything difficult even just boxing 2 45-50 range Toons, and kedge ground spawn can be gotten with a simple Enduring breath and a invis. its not very far from the zone in. Going to update the Wiki since all it gave is /loc

The Outcast is probley your biggest fight as hes in the mid 50s level range. A group of Toons should ahve no trouble defeating him (bring tracker) or just wait until your 60 and solo him (just get some buffs before going)

Foemlo Azmat if you want to see it :)
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