Paladin or SK?


Dalayan Beginner
Which one to level up and duo with a 65 shaman or cleric?

Pro: stun to interrupt caster's, especially clerics, and better dps.
Con: No fd to break spawns.
Other: root, good undead dps and pacify.

Pro: fd pulling and iksar armor bonus.
Con: No caster interrupt and low iksar cha.
Other: fear, snare.

How bad is the SK dps at level 65 compared to Paladin? They'll be buffed with kei, ageo, empower and focus. I'm currently using a monk but he's kinda boring.
Paladin dps on regular mobs is not all that much higher than SK at the top end, but going with a Paladin also opens the opportunity to do mass pulls and have a lot more dps dished out just by having a damage shield on.
most fun i've ever had has been in ae groups. whether i was the paladin or the healer or the dps.

mass pull, forget cc, ae everything > all.

but this is just me, other people might feel differently.

really, at high end, if you're spamming aggro like you ought to let your dps do their most dps possible, you don't get to hit the mob very often even with a fast delay weapon.

don't choose your duo's if you cover heals and tanking both based on how easy the duo is, base it on how fun it will be in a group. you have heals AND tanking, you're a group waiting to form, all you need are dps, and those are easy to find.

so which would be more fun for you? ae'ing everything? having tremendous aggro on a single target? being able to help with the groups healing on the tank? being able to help split? use that to decide.
Honestly, I'd forget the Cleric, Shaman, and SK. Roll a Paladin/Druid combo. DS the pally, pull a lot of mobs, etc.
Pally druid really works. The only thing you really lack in that combo is a slow =\
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