Paladin: did I do it right?


Dalayan Beginner

I made this character years ago, and back then I swear I had no idea how to play. I took a pretty whimsical approach to developing my paladin, mostly just mind-numbing solo grinding, never partaking in quests or raids of any kind or hunting for any good gear. Most of what I have equipped now is stuff I found by accident. Except the Warden's bow, that was a donation from someone I can't remember.

I started playing again recently after being away for many months, and from what I hear about the gear that lot of other tank class character are getting, I can't help but wonder if I'm falling behind how efficient I should be for my level. Basically what I'm asking, is how good should my gear be for a level 40 pally.
Most tanks have warpmetal/ghostmetal gear past 35 with some random low end zone droppables, your gear is pretty weak for your level but the reality is you can hit level 65 with the droppable leather from black burrow if you really want to.
Also if you have some plat (or able to farm some) I would say that Black sapphire jewlery (or something like that) would do you good. With luck you could get a set with 2 rings and 2 earrings for 200pp each.
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