Other players not showing up?


Dalayan Beginner
This may sound strange, but yesterday I talked an old friend into joining up, so he gets all patched up and logs in. The problem is that.. I can't see him at all. So I tell him to wait, I log out and in and then I can see him again (Plus I see 3 or 4 other people I didn't see before loggin)

This pattern persists all night too. We would move to another zone and unless I let him zone in first, wait a minute and then zone in myself, I won't see him. (IE If we zone together, or I zone first)

I really havn't been watching for something like this, but so far I havn't run into it yet either. Until yesterday, as far as I know, I could see everyone, and today it seems I can see some folks, but about half the population won"t show up if they zone in after me.

Any thoughts? I havn't changed anything like my UI since I started WR, I don't use EQW, and I have an ATI card. I have tried with new and old models, no differance.

Yeah, for the record this was happening to me too. I discussed the details with Homogenn on IRC last night.
jlapier said:
Yeah, for the record this was happening to me too. I discussed the details with Homogenn on IRC last night.

Well, at least I'm not the only one ;) I'm really not even sure what to try to fix it anymore. I'm going to wipe out the .txc files in my eq folder and see if anything in the ini's jumps out at me as wrong but otherwise

/shrug. Guess I just make him zone first =]
I had the same prob last night - DC'n my chanter and druid - chanter couldn't see druid but druid could see chanter. I found that I had a big time issue zoning both toons at the same time - one would zone normally, the other would take for ever (and I had to End Process a few times).

I resolved it by camping out.
I camped and zoned several times with both characters and it never fixed it. I also tried several different zones with them...nothing.

I think I played the shortest amount of time ever yesterday. People not showing up in zones was the suck. :(
I played all last night and I tried to pay as much attention to those around me as possable, and to be honest, I didn't notice this problem.

So I'm inclined to think it was a glitch and its cleared up now? Any of you guys that also had the problem notice yesterday if it was gone or not? I'm going to watch again tonight and If I see the problem again, I'll write up a bug report for sure, but if not, I'm going to assume it was a one day glitch...

Personaly I'd like to have more then a one day experiance to add something ot the bug list.
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