Optianal Content / Missing zone files


Dalayan Adventurer
I've downloaded EQ Trilogy and then installed it. After played on WR for a bit. However When I went to play around in First City (Hole) I've found out that Paineel is missing from my EQ directory and I cant get there. I've ran patcher, made sure "Optional Content" is checked and downloaded everything, but it did not download hole or paineel. Any idea what to do in this case?

Any help appreciated thank you.

PS: Also do I only need Original/Kunark/Velious/Luclin/PoP to be able to experience all of WR content? Someone on the server told me that I also need LDoN and Yeksha.
I don't think it "requires" LoY, but it's recommended I think. LDoN isn't required either, but I read that you should install it if you have it.
Just go ahead and patch up to LoY. It won't hurt, except if you are on via modem, in which case it won't hurt as much as smashing your face into the keyboard. Anyway, I digress. Make sure you patch with the "complete file check" (or whatever they call it these days) option turned on.

There are very few guarantees in life, but I can guarantee that every file you need is provided by either the EQ Live patcher, the Hotfix archive, or the WR Patcher.


did complete file check didnt help. I just had my friend email me Paineel and Hole files.

Still would be good to know for future refference what caused this. I think "Optional Content" is not beeing downloaded, even thought it checked.

nothing wrong with obtaining files by othem means when trying to fix legitamley obtained software. Those files were suppose to be downloaded by the patcher but they were not thats the problem. Still not able to figure out whats up.

If that matters at all at one time when I was still playing on live I've paid for all of the expantions up to LoY and not once but twice since I had two accounts.
I'm not going to argue the point with you. You may want to not mention those things in the future though. Not a threat, just advice.
Erimal, First Ruin and the Warrens zone files have been moved from Optional Content to LoY, since those are required to access LoY on the live servers. A little annoying for modem users, yes, but not much you can do.
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