/ooc Looking for a Corpse run


Dalayan Beginner

I started playing Game in 2000 with the release of Kunark and was hooked. I played for 6 years, all 6 as a player and the last year as a guide as well. Back problems forced me to end my tenure on Game and I have been suffering Game withdrawls ever since. Once I was back on my feet I realized that all my friends and guildies had gone well past me and the Company had continued to add more and more content/expansions to the point I just couldn't see putting out the money to restart my old account and be so far behind.

I've haunted the Game forums, my old guild forums, and assorted Game related sites over the last year and the other day I stumbled on to this one. The withdrawls returned within seconds and I began trying to get in. Unfortunatly, I do not have Platinum or Titanium. I've tried, to no avail, to get into SoD using my old disks...

Ruins of Kunark
Scars of Velious
the Game Trilogy (Classic, Kunark, Velious)
Shadows of Luclin
Planes of Power
(all other expansons I had were Download/Keys given to my Guide Character)

...but no matter what I try, I cannot get past the 303 error. Im sure this is due to missing files that we can no longer patch from Live that are in Platinum/Titanium.

I'm a Game junkie from way back and I will probably beat my computer to death trying to get in until I can get to town and pick up a copy of Titanium. Either way, I hope to be playing soon. Ive beaten down the every bug i've encountered using the tips on the boards, delete files.txt, re-download patcher, download manual patch... but the 303 mob seems just a little to tough for me.

Hope to see you in game soon,

Pozest 70 Necromancer, Monarchy of the Dead Officer, Lanys/Seventh Hammer
and a full rack of 60+ Alts
Guide Abhorrent, Prexus
I think you will be happy to know that corpse runs are not an issue here. We do have rezzing but running around naked is just dumb and bad for the children

Tech forum is usually pretty helpful

Welcome to SoD hope to see you soon
You still have friends playing the offical game. Are they really good friends?

If so, you can use their login to patch up to live.

Just be ready for about 4 hours and 20 gigs of unneeded crap.
I remember Monarchy of the Dead. They were around back when I was in Crimson Renegades on Lanys...like in 2000. Welcome aboard. :)

Check Ebay for Titanium or Platinum. I use a Plat install and it works fine for me. You can usually find one of those two for like $10-$15 (sometimes less) on ebay. Doesn't matter if it's used or not as you don't need the activation code anyway. :)
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