Old School Scalie Arrives..


Dalayan Beginner
Hello everyone!

A friend of mine pointed me out to this place. When I discovered it was a 'play' on The Game (The game that shall remain Nameless.. which is what part of it I was on.) I had to read more.

Once I read the rules I went, "Oh hey, I see what these guys are doing!", and -had- to give it a try.

I don't want to spout off negative and give people a bad impression, but I will say that I -really- miss back when The Game only had 2 expansions or so(Though later expansions were cool, I'm talking about something other than content). What I mean by that is the social element. These days... wel most MMOs seem a bit short on what I remeber The Game being. Bunch of folks havin a good time, helping eachotehr out and actually having a real community.

Just like Paper and Dice gaming!

I can hardly wait to see whats in store for me here. :)

So, beware... another Scaled and Taled warrior will be out and about making sure all you fleshies fall in line ;)

or well, at least don't get beat on too hard.. as long as you have heavy coin :D

Iksar brother, look up the Blackscale Legion guild in your adventures. Im sure we will be exactly the family you would be interested in.
Requisite Wiki Link! {RWL}

Do your newbie quests, remember you can box a healer (Really helpful when you're a warrior), and enjoy yourself!

Edit: Lol didnt check the dates, quite a necromancy for a welcome post
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