Old-school Live player, new to SoD


Dalayan Beginner
Greetings, and well-met adventurers of Shards of Dalaya! I am completely new to SoD (ok, I haven't even made a character yet, still patching, and reading the forums while I wait), but played Live since before the first expansion (back when the SSoY was uber gear =P). I just wanted to express my budding excitement upon hearing about this new (to me), yet familiar Realm. I stopped playing Live for a long time, started playing the sequel (still do), and finally decided to make a come-back. After looking into the changed, the new expansions, the players, and personal experiences of friends (veterans and newbies to Live) I decided that I would never again set foot on that poor, broken world. I decided that I would hang on to the wonderful memories I had of my time there, and not let them be ruined by trying to reclaim what has been long since lost. With a heavy heart I walked away from it, only looking back on those fond times, wonderful friends, and epic challenge there once was. That was more than a year ago...

It was only yesterday (well, I suppose two days ago, almost 2am here) that I learned of Shards of Dela, Deliah, Delia... (of course, that got me nowhere on Google) from a friend over the phone. After about 2 hours of investigation I finally found this site (and the true spelling =P). I've already talked at least four friends into joining me on my new adventures in (what I hope) will be a wonderful new world, and that was just from reading the introduction, basic info on the site, the rules (which I drooled over, props to the Dev Team!) and becoming quickly addicted to Lore and the Forums here. *--As a side note, I despise Forums and have done my best to avoid them like the plague, that is, until now =)--*

Anyway, before these ramblings go too far I would like to graciously thank the Development Team, the players (old and new), and Live for creating this Realm and an opportunity to jump into, what I believe from what I have read, what Live should have been, and never will be.

If anyone has any helpful hints or can offer help in any way (friendship in-game, guild opportunities, or information) to a long-time and old-school Live player, it would be greatly appreciated. As I have not yet made a character, I will edit this post with character name(s) as soon as I can. I am most likely going to pick up old habits and start up a Ranger as my first character, so any information on changes to the class would also be extremely helpful, as it's been a long time, and I know that things work much differently here.

Thank you all once again, and hope to brave this new world sooner than it may be ready for =)

*****Character name: Talanthas, Ranger (Same as my ranger from EQ1, Morell-Thule server)
Greetings asl well...

I have just started here as well, and my first character as usual was a ranger, and although I have not travelled far yet with my ranger(only 14 seasons), there were a few changes that instantly made me appreciate this new server much more.

First and foremost was archery damage. Right from the start, it appears to be more of a viable alternative to hack/slash/kick. Be prepared to love it.

Did you like fletching? Well, it is a bit different here, a bit more challenging to make your own arrows, my fletching skill is in the 20s and I still get messages stating that even the lowest combine is beyond my skill. However I am able to make the simplest of bows. Just a matter of financing to getting better.

Snare barely works as it did on Live. Yes it does slow the mob down, but no longer do mobs stop at extremely low health.

The biggest drawback (and one of the few) is that there are no quiver containers available. Yes there are quiver items that can now be worn, but since they are wearable they cannot act as storage containers for arrows. Someone argued in another thread that archers back in medieval times usually did not use quivers, and apparently that is the winning view. I never thought of a ranger as one to stand in long lines in military chesspiece type of situation however. Also, the wearable quivers available seem to be quite rare, and I feel naked without one....and it just feels strange storing 100+ arrows in a bag, backpack or box.

Nonetheless, it has been fun.

Good luck and hop eyou enjoy the time you spend.
Welcome to SoD =) I have no information on the Rangers but I wanted to welcome you and say hi! I love seeing new people join us and share even for a moment on the forums the excitement I felt again when I found this server.
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