Old School EQ player


Dalayan Beginner
Hey all! Man, has it been sometime since I have played EQ. I am looking to jump right back into what I "used" to know. I know here in SoD its a bit different, but the feel of nostalgia is just to hard to resist haha.

Anyways, while I work today everything will be downloading/patching, etc. I was just curious as to what seems to be lacking in the grouping department? Heals/dps/CC/Tankage? I don't mind playing any of those roles, and would love to be able to just hop into groups upon logging in or even being able to solo fairly well if groups seem to be lacking.

Any and all input more then welcome!
The shortage is always tanks and healers. you can have two toons logged in at the same time. you should consider a sk/pal/monk and a healer. you will be your own group, just add dps.
You will want that definitely at later levels, but for 1-30 its the cheapest twink item there is on the market. Save bat wings, wolf blood, furs etc etc, ask in DB who buys what. It does sell to tradeskillers. Don't vend it if you are unsure. Make a mule account to hold all this stuff, and many players use sewing kits for bags, etc etc etc...

Also, if you don't box a healer or even if you do to save med time, bandaging works here. Buy a med kit and put some points in bandaging at your gm.
Thanks for the advice, now just trying to stop the death here just outside grobb, are DK SKs welcome in newport? or.. cause there has got to be a better place to level then here haha
Welcome is relative. You won't be KoS. You won't be able to sell in Newport during the day, but can under the docks at night. There are faction turn in quests for Newport if you want to go that route. It won't hurt your SK faction.

The SK guild is under the arena in the sewers, and you can sell there 24/7. There are SK quests there now I believe. You should check them on the wiki.
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