Old Quel player


Dalayan Beginner
I've got the titanium edition heading in the mail.. I am an old school Quellious player.. and have been thinking of trying SoD for a while now .. EQ was my first love, played a cleric to 65 till the 6 hr raiding a night just burned me out. I was actually going to start eq live again, then a website pointed me to SoD. A friend of mine told me eq live servers were barren and deserted, and SoD doesnt sound as deserted. Sooo hope to meet many of you in the future .. I will be playing a cleric again :) And if i can get my DH to join me, he will be playing too. He played a gnome mage in live yrs ago, and may here, so please don't punt him :p

have a couple questions..
1) is there armor dyes in SoD ? I did always love them.
2) Do you have choice between the 2 models .. I prefered the old school models to the luclin models
3) I saw the raids are 18 people tops ! wow can't wait to see this .. I remember at least 60 people on raids lol
4) I also saw there is no pok .. so no trade zone ? is it back to old school ec tunnel for selling ? hehe
5) How big are the groups ? And just how active are the newbie zones ?

I read about the jailable offenses and such .. I think this is a great thing ! :) Yay for no immaturity or if there is jail time lol. I am a 37 yr old happily married mom of 4 .. had enuf of wow kiddies hehe

Can't wait till my game gets here !
Opalrose said:
have a couple questions..
1) is there armor dyes in SoD ? I did always love them. - No, no armor dyes on SoD.
2) Do you have choice between the 2 models .. I prefered the old school models to the luclin models - Yes, you can make a decision between the two in your options at the main menu.
3) I saw the raids are 18 people tops ! wow can't wait to see this .. I remember at least 60 people on raids lol -- Yes,18 man raids.
4) I also saw there is no pok .. so no trade zone ? is it back to old school ec tunnel for selling ? hehe There is another system in place, "listsold". You can view the commands for it by typing /cm help
5) How big are the groups ? And just how active are the newbie zones ? If you play during peak hours, it's not exactly hard to find groups at all, but just the same, you can always 2box.
Welcome to SoD! I guess I'll have to delete my punt macro. D:

There aren't any armor dies in SoD, I think they're reserved for the donators in the pocket plane.

Yes you can switch in between the two style of models in the main options window.

SoD uses a /cm listsold system for traiding

Grouping is pretty easy to find at low levels, the newbies zones outside Newport, formally Qeynos. Zones like Black Burrow are always full of low level characters.
Yes I played on Quel for 4 yrs, from beta .. so was long time ago .. in the yrs after I have played eq2, anarchy online, wow, dnd online, heroes, and just recently tried tabula Rasa. Have always played healers too.

Thanks for answering my questions :)

Ohh one more question .. is the first planes in SoD as in hate, fear etc ? And the Dragon zones ?

And the armor used in SoD is it the same ?

Tradeskills ? I was a cook and armorer .. can i do that here too ?
I don't know how much baking is implemented but you can be a blacksmith

No fear/hate(yet?) Skyshrine is here both dragon/giant zones are here but mainly you will have to read the wiki/explore to learn the zones in dalaya aren't like live. There are Ally faction armor for both but for true youll have to learn about combine peices.
after reading the forums more, there is something i would like to ask about and that would be the frequent disconnects ?? the way i read it everyone here gets disc at least once an hr .. sometimes less but its not a rare occurance ?

This sounds frustrating to me .. and is exactly why i quit my last mmo. How do you raid if you cant stay connected much over an hr ?
Packet Loss occurs when you stay in a zone for a certain period of time. If you die or zone elsewhere you don't have to worry. It is a bother but it can't be that big of a deal considering so many people stick around
Opalrose said:
after reading the forums more, there is something i would like to ask about and that would be the frequent disconnects ?? the way i read it everyone here gets disc at least once an hr .. sometimes less but its not a rare occurance ?

This sounds frustrating to me .. and is exactly why i quit my last mmo. How do you raid if you cant stay connected much over an hr ?

Usually one person has PL or "instant" LDs, then the group or raid relogs. On raids, you relog periodically to avoid a wipe. It takes 30 seconds out of your play time every hour or so, and with zoning and dying, people don't stay in the same zone for long periods of time, on average. It is an inconvenience, for sure, but it is a minor detail to a free game.
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