Old Newbie


Dalayan Beginner
Hi everyone! Glad that someone put in so much work to keep the old EQ alive, and glad to see people are coming here to play it!

I played EQ and am a current EQ2 subscriber. I have a few questions though.

1) Is there a lot of EQish stuff to bring back those feelings of nostalgia from EQ? I really miss certain parts of the game and just want to tool around the zones and experience it again.

2) I tried logging in but when I try to enter world is says it cannot find nightmareb, even though I can see it in teh correct directory...any suggestions?
Some things are very similar to EQ, such as Newport (old Qeynos), Blackburrow, some other spots. Most zones are very different from EQ, but have been set up in such a way so that they make sense in Dalaya (instead of Norrath). There seems to constantly be a conversation in /ooc (global channel) or Delaya's Beginners (newbie guild everyone starts in) about something that took place in live, or how things were in live. Much of the playerbase used to play live, and feel some sort of nostalgia toward it. The game will speak for itself, definately give it a try :D

As for your log in issue, did you follow the steps listed in this thread? -> How to Setup Shards of Dalaya (patcher 1.80)
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