Dalayan Beginner
Hey all, nice to meet you. IGN Xylem, druid. Played EQ 01-05 on Tallon Zek/Zek servers and more recently on P99 servers. Looking forward to meeting new friends and reminiscing of old memories and making new ones!!
You are going to like it hear so much more than p99. I played there too, and ended up really hating it. Getting the 'feel' for SoD takes a little bit after playing p99, but I can honestly say I enjoy SoD way more. (I was up until 2am playing last night... I really should have gone to bed...)
Take a little bit of time to learn what is different here than on live. Styles, specializations, death, and religion are a few things I can think of off the top of my head. (Don't pick a religion until you really talk to people about what to do.)
If you have questions, don't be afraid to ask on the forums. The community here is WAY nicer than p99, and pretty much everybody is willing help.
EDIT - Keep in mind you are allowed to box 2 accounts (max) at one time. I highly suggest starting 2 chars at the same time.