Old EQer Joining SoD


Dalayan Beginner
Hi Everyone,

I'm sitting here downloading everything I need for SoD, and would like to take the time to introduce myself. I played back on Veeshan from 2001-2002 (Kunark + Velious days) on a druid, and then again from 2003-late 2004 on the Stromm server as a HE Chanter named Velothi that I took up to 70. If anyone else here is originally from Stromm, I was in Dragejegerene.

Since then I've played eq2 briefly, WoW for a while, Vanguard VERY briefly (was awful at launch), and am currently back at my MMO roots on a free UO shard, which I'm getting bored with. I remembered that one of my rl friends plays here, and decided that I was missing some of that old EQ magic. I was leaning towards going back to a Chanter as that was a blast to play, but was wondering what the class ratios are here; is there any class that is really underpopulated? I'm willing to try a new class if there is. Anyways, see you all in-game!

Oh, and Merry Christmas :)

Vanguard wasn't as bad as people say, mostly just a frame rate problem that boggles the imagination lol. There was honestly no reason for it to slow down as much as it did on most systems. Either way, glad to see you aboard.
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