Old EQ Player, new SoD player


Dalayan Beginner
I miss Everquest.

Sadly, I can't play on the official servers (my ISP seems to be using "traffic-shaping" that stops their ADSL customers from playing any of the major MMOs) and so I thought I would look for the next best thing.

The thing is, reading up on Shards of Dalaya (a minor technical hitch means I can't play yet), I am not sure that this is the next-best thing, I think it is its own thing. I am here, hoping to recapture those perfect days when my wife and I used to play EQ together. (scarily, I just worked out that those days were 7.5 years ago)

Looking forward to playing, if I can...
SoD is to Live
Counter-Strike is to Half-life

It's best to think of us as a mod to the original game. You'll see familiar sights and hear familiar sounds. You'll have the same feelings, but you'll get them because its close enough to what it was to evoke nostalgia, but new enough to feel fresh.

Obligatory wiki link on some differences from how it was!

Give it a shot, you'll probably like it.

Now if you DO want a more traditional clone of the old days, check out the fine folk over at EQEmu (http://www.eqemulator.org/). They have their own set of issues, of course (who doesn't), but they could be what your looking for.

If you are looking for the old days check them out. If you want to try something new, check us out. Or do as the smart people do, and do both.
I'm certainly willing to give it a shot, but the server keeps throwing out 1017 errors (which are apparently to do with a slow internet-connection) whenever I try to connect.
Hope you can get past the 1017s Elaquine. SoD is great, I have loved it the past 3 years I've been playing. Its just as good as EQ but also new for those of us who played a lot of Live, refreshing is the best word. Hope to see you ingame!
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