I've kinda been gone for a few weeks. I probably won't be back for a while. I was outta town for a while, then lawl school started back up, and get this: I'm actually going to class AND doing the reading. Two weeks and I've only missed one class (woke up late because I forgot to set my alarm). That's the first time I've pulled that off in my entire college/lawl school career.
So, I'm sure I'll be back sometime, but I don't know when. Ciao!
I've kinda been gone for a few weeks. I probably won't be back for a while. I was outta town for a while, then lawl school started back up, and get this: I'm actually going to class AND doing the reading. Two weeks and I've only missed one class (woke up late because I forgot to set my alarm). That's the first time I've pulled that off in my entire college/lawl school career.
So, I'm sure I'll be back sometime, but I don't know when. Ciao!